As a leader in the transformation of the South African financial services industry, we are firmly grounded in South Africa’s unique context. In a world of unpredictability, we want your staff to know that they have access to reliable cover when they need it most. We offer innovative and affordable solutions to accommodate for cooperate as well as SME’s unique requirements for their staff. We provide unmatched expertise to our clients.
Employee benefits have become an essential part of any competitive compensation package. Benefits and perks can play a big role in talent attraction and employee retention which contributes to business performance.
- As of 2021, 16.1% of all south African residents are covered by some sort of medical scheme, allowing them access to private hospital care.
- When funeral cover is excluded, only 19% of South Africans have Life insurance, Disability or sever illness cover.
- Only 6% of South African’s can afford to retire.
With these concerning facts, it is beneficial to have an employer who helps staff by providing them with a medical solution, life and disability insurance as well as saving for retirement through a pension fund. We have a team of specialist’s that work with our clients to ensure all aspects of their employee benefits are cater for.
Employee benefit products include
- Group life
- Income disability
- Funeral cover
- Retirement funds
- Preferred compensation
- Education for employees